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Contact: (832) 835-3985
Maintenance tools
D&C Rail and Supply provides new rail maintenance tools to the railroad industry, rail contractors, and rail users as a manufacturing representative for: Stanley, TrackStar, Racine, PoraCo
Geismar, Robel, Chicago Pneumatic, Ingersoll Rand, Michigan Pnuematic
D&C Rail’s team specializes in the repair and servicing of all types of rail maintenance tools – hydraulic, air, gas, battery, and electric.
D&C Rail and Supply also provides derails, rigging, rail operating supplies, on-site track inspection services, and a full line of safety gear. D&C services customers across the U.S., and provides in-house delivery and servicing in the Gulf region.
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Contact: (513)-533-7070
Offers solutions for MOW, Car and Locomotive, Signaling and Track Safety Supplier to all 7 Class I Railroads, 100+ short lines and railroad contractors. Railroad Tools and Solutions also supplies steel manufactures, grain and paper industries, and more.
Order online by visiting their website,